Monthly Archives: April 2008
Trying to get DRAWEXE to work after Opencascade .DEB install.
DRAWEXE fires up from any direct on the get go. Although their issues with the CASROOT is not defined. I believe I need to locate the env.ksh file: jonas@unbuntu2:~$ locate env.ksh /home/jonas/OCC_orig_tar/opencascade-6.2.0/ros/env.ksh jonas@unbuntu2:~$ Bother… It looks like file didn’t get … Continue reading
Building Opencascade from source for I386 for Ubuntu Linux. Continued even a little more
Recapping.. I downloaded the tar source, unzipped it compiled it. Now then the deb package gets deployed it supposed to stick everything into the “Linux Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS) locations: libraries in /usr/lib, headers in /usr/include, executables in /usr/bin.” Apparently … Continue reading
Building Opencascade from source for I386 for Ubuntu Linux. Continued.
I just did a locate opencascade on my drive and it is ming boggling how many source files are in this package… No wonder why this took over a day to compile…. The end result appears to be 3 file … Continue reading