One more time from scratch

From my last post, anyone could see that I couldn’t get the OCC Doxygen documentation package to install…
My gut feel is I screwed something up in my installation of Java. So….. I wiped the drive again….
I need to get to the paying job so I need to be brief here.
Reinstall OS
jonas@ubuntu1:~$ history
1 sudo apt-get install csh
2 sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts
3 history
This time, no watching the Nelson Mandela video, and the secret to accepting the license agreement is the tab key.
Everything went smoothly, with no hiccups… Ok, Now need to if that goofy command works:…
jonas@ubuntu1:~$ sudo update-alternatives –config java
[sudo] password for jonas:
update-alternatives: unknown argument –config'
My hypothesis that I hosed the symlinks seems to have been incorrect.
Hear's what weird.. man pages shows this as legit.
man update-alternatives:
"When using the --config option, update-alternatives will list all of the choices for the link group of which given name is the master link. The current choice
is marked with a ’*’ and the choice with the highest priority with a ’+’. You will then be prompted for your choice regarding this link group. Once you make a
change, the link group will no longer be in auto mode. You will need to use the --auto option in order to return to the automatic mode."
Should work, doesn't... New theory: one version of JAVA installed results in meltdown of --config. (quick google show answer this:
Googled:"sudo update-alternatives –config java""update-alternatives: unknown argument

This popped up:Java runtime 6 environment step-by-step installation! – Ubuntu Forums
Hmmm supposed this works: sudo update-alternatives –config java
Yep Yep Yep….. sure does see below for what happened. This has the hall marks of a good day
jonas@ubuntu1:~$ sudo update-alternatives –config java

There are 2 alternatives which provide java'.

Selection Alternative
1 /usr/bin/gij-4.2
*+ 2 /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java

Press enter to keep the default[*], or type selection number: 2
/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java’ to provide `java’.
jonas@ubuntu1:~$ history
1 sudo apt-get install csh
2 sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts
3 history
4 sudo update-alternatives –config java
5 man update-alternatives
6 sudo update-alternatives –config java
7 history
There is something very subtle going on here on it didn’t work the first time. Something with the “–”
Oh….. American Idol Prediction… I really like Syesha, but gut feel tells me she’s gone tonight… It’s a shame, she has potential….

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