(Part 2) Exploring wxwidgets using zetcode’s tutorial “Widgets communicate” and Code::blocks

Ok.. Part 1 was me playing around… Now I’m need to figure out the meat and potatoes of this particular tutorial..
Looking at the header files

#include “Panels.h”
#include <wx/wxprec.h>

class Communicate : public wxFrame
Communicate(const wxString& title);

LeftPanel *m_lp;
RightPanel *m_rp;
wxPanel *m_parent;



#include <wx/wx.h>
#include <wx/panel.h>
#include <wx/wx.h>
#include <wx/panel.h>

class LeftPanel : public wxPanel
LeftPanel(wxPanel *parent);

void OnPlus(wxCommandEvent & event);
void OnMinus(wxCommandEvent & event);

wxButton *m_plus;
wxButton *m_minus;
wxPanel *m_parent;
int count;


class RightPanel : public wxPanel
RightPanel(wxPanel *parent);

void OnSetText(wxCommandEvent & event);

wxStaticText *m_text;


const int ID_PLUS = 101;
const int ID_MINUS = 102;

class LeftPanel : public wxPanel
LeftPanel(wxPanel *parent);

void OnPlus(wxCommandEvent & event);
void OnMinus(wxCommandEvent & event);

wxButton *m_plus;
wxButton *m_minus;
wxPanel *m_parent;
int count;


class RightPanel : public wxPanel
RightPanel(wxPanel *parent);

void OnSetText(wxCommandEvent & event);

wxStaticText *m_text;


Ok.. Now the click + event calls the following code :

void LeftPanel::OnPlus(wxCommandEvent & WXUNUSED(event))

communicate *comm = (Communicate *) m_parent->GetParent();

comm->m_rp->m_text->SetLabel(wxString::Format(wxT(“%d”), count));


Ok… I”m going to need to digest this one..  I think there is some sort of type casting going one here.  Communicate inherited wxframe which inherited wxwindows so that where the GetParent() came from.
Todo.. Need to get better understanding and elaborate.

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