Preliminary Rail Layouts

It’s been really hard to squeeze in some time for the fun stuff, but every once in a while it manages to happen.

I got the wedgie base connector pretty much designed, but I’m want to add mounts to be able to wrap the extruder in plexiglass to stiffen the whole structure.   In addition I have some thoughts about magnet ball joints.

This wish-list adds some interesting constraints which conflict with the elegant simplicity of the Kossel Clear Rail assembly.   For one thing, the wrap around roller tensioning is going get in the way of me wrapping the printer in plexi as well has interfere with my ball joint cup sub-assembly.   I’m going to need the belt on the opposite side and have a single plate to hold the v-rollers.

Soo… based on those constraints this is my first iteration.
PreliminaryRollerLayoutWhat I was thinking was using some 1/8 in plate and making some extended bushings to provide the clearance for the belt.
Then basically I was going to use  an eccentric bushing to get the play out the rollers…
Hmm.. seemed like a good idea before I drew it up.   The thing I don’t like is having the eccentric so far from the roller.  It seems like this solution will not solid enough    So I’m leaning towards going to a 3d printed carriage assembly instead of a plate.  Going that route, it might be possible to to make everything as a 3d printed assembly.

Just on a side note.. Looking at eccentric spaces on the inventables site.

I’m not sure at this point if if I’m going to make my own eccentric or buy one.
My first thought at this point is to go with a threaded eccentric and a long bolt..
Well enough fun for now, back to reality.



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