Rapidsvn frustrations solved for heekscad

My heekscad adventure lately has been a bit disappointing.  I had gotten by diagonal pop-up box design made and I was elated.  I thought test out the rest of the constraints and make a parametric model of a pop-out cylinder.  I seems I’m getting far more segmentations faults than I should be lately.
There has been a flurry of development activity lately in heekscad.  So I’m not sure if these segmentation faults I’m experience are the result of “new” bugs or “old” bugs.   Thinking about this I suppose I could download a load a revision to where things seem to have been working well and give it a whirl.  I have this silly notion that I should allways run to the latest.

Heekscad is interesting to me because it brings together many of my interests.  I’m interested in learning C++ which compared to my beloved VB6 is hard.   Anyway, getting to the topic at hand.  I’ve been using RapidSVN to download the heekscad source.   There where some changes that where made to the heekscad that didn’t make it into codeblocks project file that I tried to commit.  For what ever reason it didn’t work.  Since I haven’t had anything to commit it hasn’t been that big of an issue.

Anyway, going back through my notes… I don’t think I ever did get a commit going.

I just to commit a code::blocks project file and I got this error:

Error while performing action: Commit failed (details follow):
Server sent unexpected return value (500 Internal Server Error) in response to MKACTIVITY request for ‘/svn/!svn/…..

Researching  RapidSVN documentation it looks like development has trickled to a halt.   I don’t know why that is… Is it that good that its done. or something better out there that the ship has been abandoned…    I was all set to deep 6 RapidSvn, but I suppose I should try reading the install part of the manual at least before I do that…  http://www.rapidsvn.org/index.php/Documentation

Ok… lets see.


The ‘Programs’ tab must be filled with the paths pointing to the programs that perform Edit, Explore, Diff and Merge functions.

The suggested programs are:

Function Windows Linux Mac OS/X
Editor Scintilla/SciTE
Programmer’s Notepad
/usr/bin/xdg-open (to handle other file types)
Explorer explorer.exe nautilus /usr/bin/open
Diff KDiff3 WinMerge KDiff3 Meld (to install Meld on ubuntu, apt-get install meld) KDiff3 DiffMerge
FileMerge (via opendiff) NOTE: Requires Mac OS X Developer Tools
Merge KDiff3 DiffMerge KDiff3 KDiff3 DiffMerge

So I’ve been using code::blocks as my IDE as my editor and been very happy with that.  So I don’t think I need to worry about that… The issues I’ve been having is with Diff and Merge…
So according to the this manual, what I need to worry about is KDiff3 and Meld…  Well lets fire up synaptic and see if those are installed.
It seems that I had neither of this installed.  Meld is a single file, KDiff3 carries with it a huge amount of Kde stuff, but well, I give it a go.

Ok… Lets see View Preferences.  Sticking in your preferences.

Standard Editor: gedit
Standard Explorer:nautilus
Diff ToolLMeld
Merge Tool: KDiff3

I’m thinking that since I installed via synpatic, I can just put the program name in and not worry about the absolute path to the actual program… (Hopefullly that doesn’t bite me).
I’m thinking that I can leave program arguments blank now.  I think the program stuff mentioned in the tutorial is for the mac and the documentation indentation is screwed up.

Lets… See Dan Heeks added these tools to the visual studio project file,

This seems to be bombing when I do this in code blocks… So I guess I should add them:
That worked.. Now I saved all in code::blocks and lets see if I can to an update.

So… Here’s where I’m at in the tutorial:

  1. Using the repository bookmark created in the prior step, browse to the parent directory (or higher) that contains the file to be worked with.
  2. In the Bookmark browser, right-mouse click the desired parent directory and select Checkout New Working Copy… from the context menu.
  3. The URL will already be filled out (make sure it’s just the directory and doesn’t contain the filename (a bug), if you don’t remove the filename you’ll get an error).
  4. Enter your local path in the “Destination Directory” and click OK. This will populate your hard disk with the files and create a bookmark.
  5. Browse the bookmark in RapidSVN to the file to be edited and double-click the file.
  6. After editing and saving the file, reactivate the RapidSVN window. The status for the file should now indicate “modified”.
  7. In the right-hand window, right-mouse click on the modified file and select Update… to update your file with any changes by other members of your team. If the status of the file remains “modified” it is safe to proceed to the commit step. If the file status shows “conflicted” you should resolve the conflicts before committing.
  8. In the right-hand window, right-mouse click on the modified file and select Commit…
  9. Enter a log message that briefly describes your changes and click OK.


Step 6…  Ok… I just discovered something in code blocks… If you save all files in code blocks it doesn’t save the project…. That’s good to know.  You need to save the project by itself… So  Check….
Step 7) Did the update… Everthing looks good.
Step 8) Now the big moment::: right click to commit.
Step 9) Add the password stuff…..
Hot Darn it worked….  I just did my first commit….
I guess it pays to RTFM 😉

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