Working throught the zetcode WxWidget tutorial:widgets I:wxStaticLine

Happy New Year.
To business…
Loaded up the sample of wxStaticLine.
Not really getting thing anything profound out of this example.
I guess wxStaticLIne is just a way to draw a pretty horizontal or vertical line
Lets see. you can draw a horizontal or vertical line… I guess horizontal is the default…
Need to add a wxLI_VERTICAL after the size to go vertical.. Lets see if that works..
Ok… Thats sort of curious… That doesn’t display at all… Ok.. Must be doing something wrong here…

Need to figure out why this isn’t working
wxStaticLine(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id = wxID_ANY, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, long style = wxLI_HORIZONTAL, const wxString& name = “staticLine”)

// ######## THIS IS A TEST OF THE VERTICAL LINE ################
wxStaticLine *sl1test = new wxStaticLine(this, wxID_ANY, wxPoint(150, 50),
wxSize(0,250),wxLI_VERTICAL); // Just to see what happens with a vertical line
Seems strange one element of wxSize is useless depending on whether vertical or horizontal is called out.

Lets see what else caught my eye..
There was some manpulation of the font after it was created…
Here’s the snippet.

wxStaticText *sum = new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, wxT(“164 102 000”),
wxPoint(220, 280));
wxFont sum_font = sum->GetFont();

Ok… Either this is new in main.cpp or I haven’t been paying attention.

Staticline *sl = new Staticline(wxT(“The Central Europe”));

Ok… Enough of that one… on to the next.

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