New year stuff and general directions….

Well, I’ve been off with the Christmas shut down and you’d think I’d have hours and hours of time accomplishing oodles of stuff.
Well, for some reason it hasn’t worked out that way…. It seems like the diet is blown and my gtd reviews have gotten a bit lax and the list grows a bit longer.

I did manage to get one significant thing done though…. I finally managed to get my wordpress blog updated from 2.1.5…. That is  a nice feeling.

I’ve got a bunch of irons in the fire perhaps a few too many… but that’s ok..
I’ve been wanting to get a Stirling engine built as a fun project… I sort of mothballed the Stirling out of the November/December 2005 home shop machinist, in favor of making a ltd Stirling.

The plan was originally to build a bunch for Christmas presents but that was biting a little bit more than I could chew.

I did a bit of surfing(perhaps and little bit too much) and found all kinds of interesting sites with construction plans on ltd stirlings.
I was beyond impressed when I ran across Jan Ridders site .  All I have to say on this is wow.
I wonder if this guy hit the lotto and gets to play all day in his shop….
Anyway.. There was a couple of plans than caught my eye.
This plan uses a couple of CD’s as a flywheel.

I also downloaded the tea-cup stirling, which is also cool but I don’t know if I’ll have time for that one.

I found a bunch of interesting stirling stuff Steam and Engine of Australia . You can easily spend on a couple of hours poking around this site. has a bunch of stirling links that look interesting also.  This guy has a nice site that’s worth going to.. It’s sort of a executive summary for home shop machinists. also has a bunch links for stirling.  There’s something about the look and feel about this site is not my favorite.  It sort of kept me from diving into the content…

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