I’ve been playing around trying to develop a tool to identify bad-contraints within HeeksCAD. Well, I was reflecting to myself that this was trying to work out an electrical problem without have a circuit diagram.
The thought occurred to me that perhaps there is software out there that will automatically generate UML diagram from existing code.
Ok.. So after all this..
These look the the ones to try.
umbrello (Although this requires KDE and I’m running Ubuntu (From synaptic its not loading too many dependencies so I think)
dia-gnome (This is more of a sketcher, although I saw a Dia2code… (just not the other way around 🙁
ArgoUml(This looks like a strong possiblity)
I installed umbrello via synaptic, ran it from a terminal prompt. Seems a little grumpy since I’m not running KDE.
I wish I took better notes here, but I did something like select c++ project and I clicked my HeeksCAD folder where it installed. (I’m not sure I should have done that). It hasn’t crashed yet, but its been running for a while near 100 CPU.