I’ve been playing around with Gtk+. It turns out that the tutorial I was working was more for C.
My particular objective is to us Gtk in C++. I guess the thing I need is the gtkmm library which is specific to C++. I had it downloaded already in synaptic. I did notice when there was a documentation download which included a tutorial..
I found the home page for gtkmm which also includes tutorials. http://www.gtkmm.org/
The tutorial is at: http://www.gtkmm.org/docs/gtkmm-2.4/docs/tutorial/html/index.html
Ok… I’m liking what I’m seeing far with gtkmm. It seems like its far cleaner that straight gtk++
The tutorial seems informative. Just made it up to chapter 3 headers and linking
On the bottom is a link to a tutorial for automake and autoconf