The I’m exploring here I got from the most excellent zetcode tutorial here.
This is actually starting to move faster now… I went through the example titled submenus..
The after going through the tutorial I had this question: Can you go beyond 3 levels. I messed around a little with menu.cpp/menu.h and found you can..
#include “menu.h”
SubMenu::SubMenu(const wxString& title)
: wxFrame(NULL, wxID_ANY, title, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(280, 180))
{menubar = new wxMenuBar;
file = new wxMenu;// file->Append(wxID_ANY, wxT(“&New”));
// file->Append(wxID_ANY, wxT(“&Open”));
// file->Append(wxID_ANY, wxT(“&Save”));file->Append(wxID_NEW );
imp = new wxMenu;
imp->Append(wxID_ANY, wxT(“Import newsfeed list…”));
imp->Append(wxID_ANY, wxT(“Import bookmarks…”));
imp->Append(wxID_ANY, wxT(“Import mail…”));file->AppendSubMenu(imp, wxT(“I&mport”));
//See if we can keep going deeper
keepgoingtest = new wxMenu;
keepgoingtest->Append(ID_TESTTHIS,wxT(“Keep going”));
keepgoingtest->Append(wxID_ANY,wxT(“More Keep going”));
keepgoingtest->Append(wxID_ANY,wxT(“Even More Keep going”));
keepgoingtest->Append(wxID_ANY,wxT(“Blah Blah and more Blah”));imp->AppendSubMenu(keepgoingtest,wxT(“See if this works”));
quit = new wxMenuItem(file, wxID_EXIT, wxT(“&Quit\tCtrl+W”));
file->Append(quit);menubar->Append(file, wxT(“&File”));
SetMenuBar(menubar);Connect(wxID_EXIT, wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED,
void SubMenu::OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))