Ok… This git thing seems to be the rage.. The guys on the cam# irc suggested I check out this video.
Apparently this is one of the main sites for git.
There is an on-line book available for free download at
These are my notes from watching the video
These are really rough and I’m really new at this stuff.
So no guarantees that I’m understanding this correctly.
Check to see if you have git.
jonas@jonas5:~$ git --version
git version
Check to see if you have git configured
jonas@jonas5:~$ git config --list
fatal: error processing config file(s)
#$@% This is not what happened in the video… (I’m going to ignore it perhaps it will go away.)
Next thing setup up your user name and email
git config --global user.name "your name here"
git config --global user.name "your email here"
That seem to go ok..
if you type
git config --list
you should see it now.
This is store in the /home/jonas/.gitconfig
(Hmm.. wonder why it’s not xml)
The tutorial recommends you set the color?
git config --global color.ui true
Now I guess we’re at a point where we can download heekscad and heekscnc??
Info can me found here:
Since I’m interested in heekscnc I want the recursive..
Soo… I went with this:
jonas@jonas5:~$ git clone --recursive git://github.com/Heeks/heekscad.git
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/jonas/heekscad/.git/
remote: Counting objects: 10655, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2086/2086), done.
remote: Total 10655 (delta 8447), reused 10648 (delta 8440)
Receiving objects: 100% (10655/10655), 3.94 MiB | 260 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (8447/8447), done.
Submodule 'heekscnc' (git://github.com/Heeks/heekscnc.git) registered for path 'heekscnc'
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/jonas/heekscad/heekscnc/.git/
remote: Counting objects: 6837, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1439/1439), done.
remote: Total 6837 (delta 5373), reused 6826 (delta 5362)
Receiving objects: 100% (6837/6837), 3.14 MiB | 264 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (5373/5373), done.
Submodule path 'heekscnc': checked out '13ae242dc0581149b0b5997d4e2df0be1d256a98'
Submodule 'libactp' (git://github.com/Heeks/libactp.git) registered for path 'libactp'
Submodule 'libarea' (git://github.com/Heeks/libarea.git) registered for path 'libarea'
Submodule 'oce' (https://github.com/tpaviot/oce) registered for path 'oce'
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/jonas/heekscad/heekscnc/libactp/.git/
remote: Counting objects: 278, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (133/133), done.
remote: Total 278 (delta 138), reused 278 (delta 138)
Receiving objects: 100% (278/278), 353.42 KiB | 236 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (138/138), done.
Submodule path 'libactp': checked out 'eb97a623218084d46fe48a82b9c19ccbd50b8bf2'
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/jonas/heekscad/heekscnc/libarea/.git/
remote: Counting objects: 587, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (194/194), done.
remote: Total 587 (delta 389), reused 581 (delta 383)
Receiving objects: 100% (587/587), 293.41 KiB | 219 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (389/389), done.
fatal: reference is not a tree: df5c93b21e0924dc8cd4b1eecf254a6771da148f
Unable to checkout 'df5c93b21e0924dc8cd4b1eecf254a6771da148f' in submodule path 'libarea'
Failed to recurse into submodule path 'heekscnc'
Ok… seems like something has gone south, (which since at this moment this isn’t really done is understandable)..
Back to the tutorial..
[edit]… what ever the issues was it seems to have gone away
Soo… Next thing they talk about is view the log…
jonas@jonas5:~$ cd heekscad
jonas@jonas5:~/heekscad$ git log
Oh… Lots of interesting info but I bunch of email’s also… Not in the mood to add fodder for the spammers… so Not listing this: