I’m thinking I’m going to have the printer running in a day or so… I got everything wired up I just need to assemble the extruder head. One thing that I didn’t have was a small piece of ptfe to go over the thermistor. I had some thin stuff to go on the wires but.. I wound up wrapping the thermistor in kapton and then taping it down…
Anyway back to the topic at hand… I’m thinking I want to print out something with a ring gear on it.. I did a little googling and apparently theirs a python script to do that for freecad called gear.pyHeres the link to the source http://free-cad.sourceforge.net/SrcDocu/df/d19/Gear_8py_source.html
I searched and I have it installed already..
jonasthomas@jonasthomas-Satellite-P305D:~$ locate Gear.py
So I’m a bit rusty on this
Ok.. I had some problems running this… When copied this into a folder I use for py scripts fired up eric4 and ran my little special script..
#this is a test routine to get run freecad entirely from the eric4 ide
import sys
# This is the standard location for the libraries in ubuntu.
#sys.path.append(“/usr/lib/freecad/lib/”)#jonas thomas has his debug libraries here.
sys.path.append(“/home/jonasthomas/freecad/qtcreator-build/lib/”)# jrheinlaender has his debug libary here.
#sys.path.append(“…/freecad-build-dbg/lib”)import FreeCADGui
import GearFreeCADGui.exec_loop()
And I pulled up this error
The debugged program raised the exception unhandled ImportError
“/home/jonasthomas/freecad/qtcreator-build/lib/StdMeshers.so: undefined symbol: _Z6aptrteidiPiP2R2iS1_RiRS1_S2_RS_S2_”
File: /home/jonasthomas/freecad/FreeCADPyCode/Gear.py, Line: 6Break here?
I found something here about this
Hmm.. It looks something with mesh… Soo I commented out the code like so…
import FreeCAD, FreeCADGui, Part, Draft, math
#, MeshPart, Mesh
from PyQt4 import QtGui,QtCore
And I appear to be in business:
Thanks, that saved my day. I never would have guessed the part with the Mesh dependency. Now I can start working on a replacement gear for my old Tamiya Sand Rover
No problem, I’m glad it helped.
By the way.. There is a lot of work being on on gearing in freeCAD.. I’m not sure if it’s made its way to a stable release yet… You can check out this thread for more details. http://forum.freecadweb.org/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=4829